Did Erik drink in high school?

Someone posted part of the probation report in another thread that stated he says he got drunk 8-10 times in high school and smoked weed once. But he said in the second trial transcripts under questioning from Conn that he didn't drink like other kids, that he started drinking some after his parents died, but before that he didn't like the taste of alcohol. And that was part of why his teen years were different from others. This would be a lie then, right?

Also, if he drank in high school that changes my view on what happened with Craig- the relationship could have easily happened due to alcohol influence, which would have been my guess at first (as to how this might happen between two teen boys who see themselves as straight, even if Erik was confused and damaged from the abuse).

I wonder why he would have lied about that. Conn didn't actually ask him if he drank in high school, it was something he brought up on his own, as to why he believed his teenagehood was not the same as others. But I would say if you get drunk 8-10 times over 3 years (assuming these were the CA years) that's definitely "drinking in high school."