Noob question about temperature control

Hey there. I’ve been napping MC flower for two years now. I use a Boundless CF vape, it has 5 heat settings.

This is how I use it. I put my ground flower in, and I set the temp to 188. I let it run for one cycle, then I turn the heat up to 204 for half an hour cycle, then the highest 213 for the rest of the cycle. And then I can usually get one more go at 213 before I put the left overs in my AVB jar.

I’ve seen other people only use the temp at 188 until they can’t get anything more from it, but then I see other people slowly increase the temp to the max amount during one cycle.

What is the actual best way to set temps etc to make sure you are getting all the benefits from the MC flower and making sure now of it is wasted and everything is at it’s full potential.

Thanks in advance!