Feels so limiting coming back after time away

Just started getting back into the game again. Looking on snap.fan I’m now missing almost 60 (!) series 5 cards. I used to be about 10 cards away from completion back in the day!

I’ve picked up the odd new card recently, but looking at what’s meta or who they synergise with, there’s not much I can use said cards with as I’m missing a good chunk of the others.

I was looking through YouTubers who I used to watch, Cozy and Bynx etc, to try and get some deck inspo, and almost every single deck is made up of cards that I won’t have access to for a very long time, if I’m not spending money.

It just feels like I’m going to be stuck with the same bunch of cards I was playing with over a year ago, with the odd new card sort of awkwardly lodged in these decks because I’ve got nowhere else I could use them.

It’s just a really odd feeling. You’ve got this game with all these cards, yet if you stopped playing for even a couple months, you could be so far out of touch with the rest of the community that by the time you’ve grinded to unlock all the cards you missed out on, so many more have been added that you’ve then in consequence missed out on these too.

Coming back to the game feels like you’re fighting an uphill battle the whole way.