Caught my husband in a lie, what to do?

Throwaway account for privacy - Hi all, I (F39) caught my husband (M44) in a lie and I’d really appreciate some help/insight on the best way to approach this.

He's looking for work in a different state and we talk/text frequently throughout most days. He's usually straightforward and honest about his whereabouts and what he's up to (at least as far as I believe). However - this afternoon, after not answering texts in his typical timely fashion, we eventually spoke on the phone and he sounded not-sober. Not drunk, but definitely not-sober enough for me to notice.

He told me he was at a “cute coffee shop” and described the cafe’s unusual mural to me. Said he got a latte and it was great.

I noticed that his speech patterns sounded not-sober, and asked if he had had a drink whilst he was out and he said something like “I've just been out enjoying a peaceful day.” And he got quite defensive.

I can see all transactions on our banking app and after we spoke, there was one from a brewery (and none from coffee shops).

I confronted him about the lie on the phone later, and he said there were “a bunch of coffee shops all owned by the same company in that town” and that I was out of line to “accuse him of being drunk when he's just sitting in the sunshine having a good day.” Basically, making it all about me “bringing down his good day” and maintaining that he went to a coffee shop and had a latte (this time he said it was a crappy latte) and I was sorely in the wrong for accusing him otherwise.

I questioned if maybe he WAS right and I WAS in the wrong for accusing him of lying. Well… I found the brewery online - the unusual mural he described is painted on the brewery building. I went as far as to email the brewery to ask if their company owns any local coffee shops. They responded that they do not - just the one brewery, which does not have coffee on its menu.

Please, I know this is reddit and all, but no, I truly don't think this is a cheating issue. However, the dishonesty is still quite concerning.

To be clear: it's the DISHONESTY I'm upset about and need to address, not his having a beer vs. having a latte.

The advice I'm seeking is: how do I respectfully bring the lie up in a way that is effective, but not unnecessarily harsh or accusatory? I get really anxious about confrontation and I don't want to blow things out of proportion, but I REALLY don't want to accept being lied to.

want to shelve the conversation and come back to it in a couple of days when I know he is completely sober and I'm a little less emotional about it/have my thoughts together. But I don't know what to say.

OR… If anyone has another explanation I could be overlooking that puts me in the wrong here, please tell me. I would rather be honest than be “right.” I just can't let lying/gaslighting slide if that's what this is. Clearly, he spent money today at this particular brewery and described their mural to me - plus no other bank transactions. So… Occam's razor?

For extra context, he has abused alcohol to varying degrees throughout our 20-year relationship. But he doesn't drink even close to every day and generally is open with me about it when he does. So it's not like an AA type situation where this type of lying is par for the course.