I need help. Favorite SUPER SUPER cool toned products for very fair skin? Contour, lip, blush, eyeshadow etc? I swear most cool toned products are swatched on warm toned skin. Everything “cool” still looks too warm or too dark on me!! I am struggling.
I have struggled with makeup basically my whole life. I love it and love applying it, but I am never truly happy with the outcome. I always look “off”. Realized over the last few years that I am cool toned after thinking I was neutral just because my mom is, and we would share products growing up. Once I realized, it has gotten way better and I like the way I look more. But like… I am very, very cool toned and very pale. The lightest cool toned foundation shades are sometimes still too dark for me. Cool contours look like bronzer. Blushes look like a weird sunburn tan. Many lipsticks and liners look like I have peanut butter on my lips 🤣 Eyeshadows (that are too warm) make me look jaundiced or corpselike (really brings out my blue under eyes that aren’t noticed unless I wear eye makeup and kind of makes my skin look… green? Or sick?).
I just can’t seem to figure out what “works”. I’ve had some luck with the Danessa Myricks grape blush (tiny amount lol) and lip liners like Endless Cacao by MUFE (which sometimes still looks a little too warm) and Stone by MAC (sometimes a bit too dark). There is one satin cool nude lipstick from Pat McGrath that I love (Elson is of course amazing too and my perfect cool toned red). I think it’s the nude romantique one. The cool MILK contour shade works… sometimes. If I apply the perfect amount. But still too warm for contour imo. Haven’t found a single foundation that works, but some concealers do (lightest cool shades of age rewind and the shape tape creamy concealer) but all foundations shades are either too warm or oxidize and are too dark. I got the small Viseart cool toned matte eyeshadow palette, and I like it. But it just isn’t… fun. You know? I love purple, and it’s cool toned so it looks great on me, but the formula on purple stuff sucks pretty consistently. I love color and fun and shimmer and glitter. But EVERYTHING IS SO WARM. Even actual glitter often pulls warm. WTF.
I am just struggling and I don’t know what is wrong and I’m tired of buying products I can’t use!
I have light neutral brown hair (technically light “dishwater” blonde I think) and gray eyes that pull a bit blue/navy blue but have some brown/gold/warmth in them. I have combo to oily skin with acne scars (I am 2 years post accutane so I’m like both dehydrated and oily lol) I am also very very pink. 😂
I can attach photos if needed.
I am basically asking for like vampire corpse makeup 🤣 I am just too pale and cool toned