I built a whole deck around spot removal.

The deck: https://moxfield.com/decks/kmL5YM0IDkyrKZXv-XMGSQ

No tutors No combos Minimal fast mana (just Sol ring and Ancient Tomb) All gas, no breaks

Kill their stuff, attack, draw cards with Tymna, repeat.

Bracket 3. Only two game changers: Opposition Agent and Ancient Tomb.

Design philosophy: Not a stax deck. I could have played Drannith Magistrate but I’m already going to kill people’s stuff anyway. I don’t need the extra layer of pissing them off when I’m already going to piss people off with 40 removal spells.

I want my creatures to include specifically some low cost hard to block guys that will constantly trigger Tymna, and also get me treasures from Professional Face Breaker and Rev. I’m playing mother of runes and giver of runes, as well as a few other spells to just protect the Tymna since keeping her alive and the cards flowing is my win condition. My curve is pretty low overall so that Dark Confidant isn’t too painful. I value lifegain in quite a few picks because of how much life I spend on my mana base and with Tymna.

I started with the idea of wanting to play a ton of spot removal, and then I also wanted to play a very fair and reasonably paced aggro plan. While putting a combo in the deck would be super easy and strong, I wanted to avoid that. Genuinely, I just want to be on a beat down plan.

When people object to this deck being Bracket 3, I want to genuinely be able to tell them that I don’t have any tutors or combos. So I can’t play demonic tutor, vamp tutor, imp seal, or anything like that. I can’t complete the Bloodthirsty Conqueror combo. No dual caster mage or underworld breach combos, no necropotence or bolas' citadel or anything. I am winning with just combat and not faster than turn 8.

When I destroy all artifacts and enchantments, I want my losses to be minimal. I could be on Smothering Tithe, but I feel like it’s too good for bracket 3.

Thoughts on the list? What changes would you make?