My dept supervisor came in 5 hours early.

By the title of this, you may think oh this is nice no no it’s not. I work in inside and outside garden and today my supervisor of inside garden was supposed to close. I was gonna be outside and me and a couple other guys we’re gonna clean up the department because whoever opened didn’t do anything, you know one of those nights. Anyways, as I’m clocking in, somebody tells me oh by the way, your supervisor came in at eight and I’m like why would she do that? They said oh she left at four. I said what are you talking about? Apparently she decided that she was gonna come in five hours early and leave six hours early. She didn’t tell anybody what her plan was. She didn’t find coverage and so instead of finding coverage, we (the Oslg closers) decided that the best course of action is to put me inside to pick up for the slack and you think oh if she had to leave so early you’d think oh maybe there wasn’t that much to do no she actually left a full page list for me to do alone and a 60 item down stocking list. I was pissed bc this girl and my manager constantly talk about how they think I don’t do any work when I’m here and you know what out of spite I did every single thing off that list because I’m about to transfer to a different department anyways. I just wanna know what other people have to say about this just so I know I’m not crazy for thinking that this is insane.

Edit: I should say, I did the whole list “out of spite” bc this particular supervisor doesn’t think I do anything “real work” when I’m in islg. Idk why she thinks that bc I do more than she does on any given day but she’s gotten really bold in telling me to my face. Additionally my store has been instructed to give the closers lists that they “couldn’t possibly finish” to stay busy. I’m also about to move departments, and I’ve already covered over there a ton and the employees love me and my supervisor and ASM actually give a shit about the people in this department which is a nice switch. My current supervisor keeps talking about how she doesn’t know why I’m even still here, so I’m leaving her in the past. I’ve also figured out that the vast majority of the people in islg & osgd are all about to quit or move departments as well leaving maybe 4 people between those two departments, obviously they will hire new people and recover after about two weeks bc “everyone’s replaceable” but that’s just nice to know. I’m going to let karma do its thing bc honestly she’s given so much hate and it’ll come back around eventually. Logic might not make sense to you but it does to me.