Dating Chronicles of Louisville Pt. 2
A follow up to Pt. 1 of my dating chronicles thus far. I have been single for a little over a month now I think. If you want the full scoop, refer to Pt. 1:
The last two weeks I have went on a couple of dates throughout the weekends. I actually started talking to a normal human 2 weeks ago while I was also talking to others. He seems nice.
The first date I went on since we last spoke was to Hi-Wire with a dude from Zimbabwe. He’s studying tech. And then he immediately went into saying how he needs to find a wife before his visa expires (I think we know where this is going) and he quite frankly asked me if I’m looking for a husband. I say no I’m just having fun. I then say I need to use the bathroom and leave. He kind of creeped me out anyway.
The second guy I talked to was for a couple of days. He says that he’s some secret agent and works for LMPD. Anyways, this guy is a total nut job. When I looked up his number it gave me his full name. I looked up his full name as I do everyone and I don’t think he works for the LMPD otherwise he wouldn’t have 3 pending murder charges that he is out on bond for…….I did not go to this date he had planned. I blocked him. ☠️
The first two are from BLK by the way. The last 2 are from Hinge.
The third guy I’ve been talking to seems normal. For privacy purposes I’m just going to say he’s a teacher. It’s funny because I didn’t think I’d be into people outside my race….and honestly wasn’t even going to go to the date because of all the guys I’ve talked to so far have so many red flags. Boy was I wrong…I showed up and this man was so FINE. We talked for 2-3 hours before we had to leave but we went on a date the next day. Then I saw him again a couple days later and had a blast at an arcade. I’m seeing him again this weekend too. We’ve been texting back and forth since the last time we’ve seen each other but he seems like he has his head on his shoulders.
The fourth guy I’m talking to on and off has like two jobs. He seems chill in person but he kept talking about his ex. Nothing is wrong with bringing them up…but I gather that he’s not over his ex lol.
I’ve been on and off hinge so far. It’s hard to juggle multiple guys so I’ll be sticking with 2…maybe adding a 3rd.
Stay tuned for pt. 3 maybe.