How can long covid voices be heard?
I know I’m not alone in the absolute discouragement I’ve faced from the medical community and lack of effort from government in regards to long covid. It seems the powers at be are ignoring Long Haulers. We are all ready to be taken seriously and not left behind to endure endless suffering and decay.
How can I use my voice to fight for a cure? For those who have found ways to do this, please share in the comments! I would like to put what little energy I have into fighting this illness not just for me, but for others too.
There are millions of us now. We need to stick together and demand that our leaders declare Long Covid National/ Global Emergency. That doesn’t mean shutting down the world again. This means putting as much funding and resources it takes to find treatment(s) that can cure us or at least get us into remission. Leaders need to act with urgency like they did with the vaccine. It is possible! They showed us the power of science when they made it a priority to get antivirals and vaccines quickly.
How can we do this?
write letters, emails to our leaders
use social media to raise awareness
use social media to call upon government leaders to hear us
donate to organizations who are actively trying to help solve Long Covid
ask family members to
how can we protest when a lot of us can hardly get out of bed
How can we use our voices together?
WeNeedACures #DeclareLongCovidAGlobalEmergency
Even though it is heartbreaking to see so many suffering, this group shows me everyday I am not alone in this fight. Unfortunately, Long Haulers are still a growing population—sad but true. Long COVID is a GOBAL EMERGENCY!
Love to all. Don’t give up the fight!