Justification for the P.I.M.P.
There are five people to blame for this crashout. I want to be clear, PIMP did nothing wrong. Plan and simple and I am here to defend the best thing on the Lolcow Podcast.
First Person: Kumstar. Keemstar has been the enemy since the first Boogie freakout. He has instigated behavior from his co-host. He told Wings to go off his SSRIs for CONTIEEEENT. Then get mad when the Tank fucks him up? Then acts like a tough guy saying "I'm gonna punch you bro.... I'm gonna punch you."
Brother the whole thing was recorded, and you most definitely didn't say that. All we saw was the Pimp fuck you up. And you're lucky other people were there to stop him to or you'd be on the ground. Another thing, once real shit happens, Keem gets mad. The Becky Boopshit. Fuck her.
Second Person: PicklebitchBehindACamera, bro was antagonizing Pimp the whole time. You think we didn't recognize you insulting him with your little "magic show" comment. Yeah, you have been writing these shitty scripts just like you have been on your own camera. When PIMP exposes it, you act like the fanbase was too stupid to realize in the first place.
Third Person: Boogie2969, just SHUT THE FUCK UP. When you are trying to help, you are just trying to instigate. Quit being Keemstar's Sammy, and be a man.
Fourth Person: John (aka Chris Chan 2.0) because fuck John.
Fifth Person: Becky Boopshit, the whole demeneanor of show changed when she came back. Fanbase is done with that psycho.
Let me be clear, Pimp is not an abuser, it's simple. Get in the Tank's way, get run over. They should have let him rip Boogie's head off!