Oct 9th Lisas back again
This time she's stuck and needs a ride home even though she's 5 min walk away from her parents house and she's walking away from there and I can prove where she is with my next post. She has s saying no one sent anything earlier even though a few people did (unfortunately). All while she's mocking people saying she's praying for the hurricane victims trying to paint herself as a good person even though she isn't, I'd bet Kim Raia put her up to this scam cause she's walking away from her parents house. Not only is she asking for money for a ride home but for food again even though we all know her parents have food and feed her, I mean she's using her mom's phone for fucks sake they wouldn't of left her with it. Like always she shut comments off cause she can't handle some one exposing her lies and then pauses to "check the payment apps" even though if someone did said Kim Raia will just block them and Lisa says no one sent. When people tell her to do it herself she says she can't even though she has had like 6 months to s year knowing this was coming to get a job and she decided not too.