So who else is seriously worried at this point

L is a phycopath!!! Today she finally did the lowest of lows by actually making a fake obit for her Dad. I have to say I am seriously worried about what she will do next. The text msg's between her & K and what L said about being desperate........L you are way past that now! I honestly believe that you are stopping at nothing. In my opinion she is one match away from starting a house fire in the middle of the night, one lug nut away from her Dads truck loosing a tire, or one pillow away from giving her mom a forever rest as she sits in her chair at night! WOW! I am so glad R & J did NOT move her in with them,probably because they truly know what she's capable of. L is an addict,everyone knows that BUT the evil-discusting shit she has done about offing her Dad??? You won't convince me that it's just her addiction. Her mind is gone! And she is plain scary! To be that desperate for rugs that nothing is off limits & that you do not have one ounce of shame,embarrassment or guilt about what you have done. Her new home needs to be in a psych hospital. Her family best sleep with one eye open because L has finally lost the little bit of brains she had & is dangerous! Ask all her kids.......they know & that's why they stay as far away as possible from her.