Many mainstream conservative pundits like Ben Shapiro and Brett Cooper identify as libertarians. Do y'all agree that they consistently espouse libertarian viewpoints?
Not a libertarian myself, I'm just curious what y'all think. If the answer is no, do you think it's common for conservatives to identify as libertarian whilst simultaneously calling for greater government interference in individual choices? That's how it comes across to me.
I'm an American leftist, and a common take in our discussion spaces is that Democrats will pay surface level lip service to progressive social causes, and then proceed to uphold the status quo in praxis. As someone interested in political ideology in general, I'm curious whether libertarians have parallel feelings about Republicans.
Hoping this doesn't get deleted, I have every intention of being respecful of y'all space. But I understand if it does. Thanks!
EDIT: this is the video I'm referring to when I say that Ben Shapiro has called himself a libertarian. Imb4 "political compass bad", I just mean that he identifies as a libertarian in the first few minutes of the video: