Tips for an old rusty player to improve positioning and game sense?
To preface this I haven’t played cs in 8 years now, and back then I was at MG2. I hopped back in last week to be instantly placed into S1, and I’ve been having a rough time to say the least. My win rate is horrific even though I don’t play too terribly most games, but I just keep getting clapped and feel like I’ve lost ALL my skill, it’s not really coming back to me.
Decided to use leetify to see where I could improve and where I was going wrong and while my aim was at mid GN level, my positioning was at s1. Now this makes sense seeing as a lot of my deaths end up being a result of just being in a stupid position at the wrong time or constantly getting clapped cause I’m in a really obvious spot that I just get pre aimed from. I feel like while I can aim and win some duels, I’m just clueless when it comes to how to approach positioning and general game sense.
Anyone have any recommendations on resources to improve so I can leave s1?