New to Latuda

Hello, friends! I start Latuda today at 20mg. My psychologist said it’s a step above Lamictal, which stopped working for me, and a step below Lithium which is one that I’m not comfortable taking.

I know all of our bodies react differently, but what was your experience like? I also had weight loss surgery in 2019 so it’s important to me that I don’t gain more than 20lbs at this time. What was your weight gain like? In the future when I’ve gotten some more help with my self image I’m sure I won’t care anymore, it’s just this nagging voice that consumes you sometimes yk.

I’m diagnosed with Bipolar 2, BPD, anxiety, PTSD, schizoaffective disorder, and severe depression. Am I even going to have feelings after this? Were you still able to do art and engage with the people around you? Could you be intimate? Did you have nightmares? I’m scared, y’all! I’ve tried so many medications and I feel like I’m at my wits end.