Tattoos after laser hair removal

I am doing laser hair remove on my entire body, I am M 34. I have thick and dark hair, I am having good results so far, I am in the second session of 10, my leg has almost no hair.

I want to tattoo almost my entire body after laser hair removal. My question is, is it ok to start tattoing after 10 sessions? Or should I wait more time to see if I need more sessions? I am ok with shaving, I dont think all hair will vanish, so reducing it to like 20% of the original hair, its very ok to me.

I am doing laser hair remove on my entire body, I am M 34. I have thick and dark hair, I am having good results so far, I am in the second session of 10, my leg has almost no hair.

I want to tattoo almost my entire body after laser hair removal. My question is, is it ok to start tattoing after 10 sessions? Or should I wait more time to see if I need more sessions? I am ok with shaving, I dont think all hair will vanish, so reducing it to like 20% of the original hair, its very ok to me.