Songs possible for the MAYHEM Ball
We haven't even got MAYHEM yet, but here are my ideas.
For Sure- Ones Lady Gaga has stated she would always perform/ based on past setlists
Just Dance, Poker Face, Bad Romance, Born This Way
Most Likely- These are ones that Lady Gaga has performed, however may have missed it on a tour. I.E. Paparazzi is popular, but she didn't do it for the Chromatica Ball. Some of these (like Telephone) may also be up due to her replacing it with another song. Since Gaga has so many singles, it's popular one single may be replaced this time for space of another one.
LoveGame, Paparazzi, Alejandro, Telephone, Applause, Rain On Me, 911, Million Reasons, Shallow, Always Remember Us This Way, Stupid Love, The Edge of Glory
Fan Favorites- These might be brought back due to the sound that we know MAYHEM has.
Venus, G.U.Y., Bloody Mary, Teeth, Replay, Dope, Heavy Metal Lover
Overall, besides the four "main" singles, I think we are most likely to get LoveGame, Paparazzi, Alejandro, Applause, 911, Rain On Me, Shallow, Marry The Night, Bloody Mary, Venus
Issue is that MAYHEM is 14 songs, these are 14 OLD songs, which means the setlist would be 28. Lady Gaga doesn't usually do that long of setlists, the average would maybe be around 23. So, with that being said, Just Dance, Poker Face, Bad Romance, Born This Way, LoveGame, Paparazzi, Applause, 911, and Rain On Me are my guess, with the fan favorite being either Venus, G.U.Y, Marry The Night, or Bloody Mary.