Sav & Amanda Stanton?

Does anyone know what happened between Sav and Amanda Stanton? Amanda was on the bachelor a bazillion years ago and she’s how I first became aware of Savannah and Ev, I think it was shortly before Cole. I was watching the bachelor that year and keeping up with the contestants and it was hard to miss Sav with Amanda because it seemed like they were together all. The. Time. Amanda’s kids were close in age with Ev so they were probably together a lot for the girls but it also looked like the two women did constant photo shoots of/with each other…I think Sav was trying to pursue photography at the time? But they haven’t acknowledged each other at all in years and I’m kind of curious about the whole thing because it seemed like the only close friend I’ve ever really seen Savannah have besides maybe Madison Fisher, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen her attached to the hip with Madison like she was with Amanda for a while there.