Weed + LSD = FUCKED...
I'm (Male, 18)writing this in the coming down stage of my horrible, terrifying experience. I just finished my exams after 1 month of daily studying, so I wanted to 'celebrate' that and decided to take a tab of LSD (150mcg). After 2 hours, the trip was pretty fun, but I decided to make it more fun. I microwaved some food and decided to bong some weed. I choose an Indica-variant, because I don't really like the head high. Just seconds after taking my first hit, which was maybe only like 0.1gr my world fell apart.
I remember having the feeling that I was stuck in a loop. I remember remembering that I was in a loop. I remembered that I knew I was in a loop. I remembered that I knew I fucked up.
This feeling was terrifying. I felt very nauseous, but decided to eat the food I just microwaved, I didn't want to throw it away.
Around then, the loop process was breaking me. I split up in 2 personas, which I could best describe as either my 'hearing' and my 'seeing', each 'functioning' complety separate from each other, and did not know of each others existing. Then I swapped sides every 5-ish seconds. The only thing I knew was that I 'swapped', and this is not real. I tried getting out of it, but it was making it worse each time. It felt like a maze that I had to find my way out. It was a constant string of déjà vus. In the meantime I could very very very clearly and realistically hear my parents crying and asking themselves why I died/OD, while I had such a bright future, been a good student etc.
Then I tried to realize that I'm not dead, my brain couldn't be functioning in that very moment. Then also at the same time I was feeling like I died, I remember looking at my hands, and they were completely covered in blood, I looked at my stomach, and it was bleeding like crazy. I remembered not feeling bad that I died, but I was feeling awful that I would be seen as the stupid kid that OD. I did not want to do this to my family.
Further in the maze, I realized that I was in different parts of the maze at the same time, when switching personas. I was in my loop, and realized I could see the ending. They blended seamlessly into each other. I could see that I was only halfway through. And realized it was my life flashing by. It literally felt like a movie that just went on and on and on, once I got to the end, I expected to be dead, but the loop started again, and I discovered one more 'pathway'. The realizing of being stuck in a never ending loop, is the worst feeling a person can get. I didn't even fell close to the feeling I had when a good friend of mine died. This was so much worse.
It some pointed I realized a friend was calling me, and I decided to accept the call, which I really didn't want to do, knowing that I would be swapping any second and being a complete useless piece of shit. I was very afraid of his reaction/ judgement and told him I was high. He didn't really care and told me he knew the 'feeling', of weed and didn't really care. However, I did not tell him I was also on acid. At this moment, I was about 4 hours in. When he arrived, I really tried to act normal and not like a junk that thinks he is dead/dying. This really worked, my loop was immediately gone, I was freed! Communicating was still very hard, but not impossible, apparently. I am really happy about the fact that he didn't say a word about me being 'weird'. We talked a lot and I did enjoy it, being insanely happy that I was not stuck in a loop and realizing that I didn't let anyone down.
Please please do not make this mistake, before all this, I did read that this combo could be either heaven or hell, took the gamble and ended up in something 1000 times worse. The feeling of letting everyone down, is one you should never have to experience. At the end of the day/night I learned my lesson the hard way on how unpredictable and really weird the interaction of two drugs can be. Note that I have experience with these drugs separately.
Are you looking for info about this combo? DONT DO IT, it's not worth it!
I'm sorry for my spelling mistakes, English is my 3rd language and I'm still in shock.
Did anyone else also experience something like this?