25F British looking for MOC/ lavender marriage

I’m a Sunni Muslim, of Kashmiri (Pakistani side) heritage.

I’m looking for a MOC with a man, it doesn’t matter to me if you’re bisexual or gay or queer. I would love to also include trans men, but I need someone whose family can help cement the lie of a heteronormative marriage to fool my own family. I don’t mind if you have a lover you are wholly committed to, that’s your prerogative. I’m just looking for someone who can be a reliable friend, and someone who can help me keep my family off my back.

I have a level-headed, mature demeanour and I like to crack jokes, but I am also very reserved and prefer my home to be a quiet, and clean place. I am also currently studying a masters in law with intention to become a solicitor. I also have a cat, and we are a package deal. Ideally if we had a MOC, I would prefer separate bedrooms with our own spaces, only sleeping together if family were to come around. I also love to travel, but due to my health I tire quicker than a normal person.

I will NOT live with anyone’s family

I can arrange a home for us within London.

i want an Islamic marriage, but i am not so keen on a legal marriage unless we are doing a passport marriage. Potentially in the future if we decide to have a child (large IF scenario) I would require legal marriage then as a form of protection. (I.e, should anything happen and we split and there is still a lawful duty of care towards the child.)

If you are from Europe, Dubai, Canada, or the USA, please also don’t hesitate to get in contact. I wouldn’t mind a passport marriage to the mutual benefit of both of us.