An MMO that isn't PvP focused?

I'm looking for some MMO recommendations.
Specifically not FFXIV, it's not my jam.
I am looking for something that is not at all geared towards PvP in any way.
Good examples: Sky: Children of the Light, Phantasy Star Online 2 (kind of), Mabinogi (kind of)
Bad examples: Elder Scrolls Online

Phantasy Star Online 2 and Mabinogi are only partial fits because player markets are present.

When I say "PvP" I mean it in a more general sense. Combat is PvP, a free market is also PvP. Anything competitive with highscores is PvP.

I should also clarify that I'm not looking for something where it's technically possible to play without engaging in the game's existing PvP content. I'm looking for a game with absolutely no PvP content.

-Edit- Doesn't look like MMOs are for me from the replies down there, thanks for the suggestions anyway!