Why can't the woke feminists leave male audience fanservice alone? Why do fanservice hating people force themselves into a series with fanservice and try to get everyone to remove it?

So in an anime sub a lot of drama recently happened with some one posting something a bit too risky and the usual suspects freaking out. A lot of people were banned, usual commentators disappeared and now we are stuck with people just talking about "fanservice bad", in a series with fanservice. I cannot help but think that this was a coordinated attack, first because its not the first time it happens, second because the people left are using the usual progressive langauge "objectifying", "sexualising", "you are all incels and gooners" "you think X character is sweet and pure? Incel"

Anyway this got me thinking, in anime, manga, videogames, or really any "nerdy" hobby, you always have the femminists (read anti-men) and woke mob who hate fanservice or anything that doesn't have DEI, Lgbt, and other woke stuff in it. A chunk of these will never watch or touch said "hatefull, sexist and mysoginist" products. Fair enough. They do like complaining anyway though.

My problem is with people who have all the above ideas but claim to like X series. I follow many animanga and videogames (to a lesser extent) and there will always be, especially on reddit where the modern audience reigns supreme, some people who will sit through a 24 episode series in which fanservice is part of the appeal, claim to deeply dislike fanservice, claim to have liked the series anyway and claim that it would be much better if there were no fnaservice. So then they proceed to make a fuss any time some one posts something and try to get it all banned. I have seen many communities on this website die that way.

My point is: if some one dislikes fanservice why do they sit through it, claim to like a show and then demand a key bit of its appeal be removed? I think its disingenuous at best, malicious at worst. For example i literally saw some one post about Danmachi, whose english title is "Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon?), that he started watching it knowing he hated fanservice, claimed to "like" the show but to think it would be better without the comedy, the harem, the romance, the ecchi, the fanservice, and attractive females all together. At that point just go and watch Jujutsu Kaisen.

Lets not get started about how these people have their own fanservice in series designed for women, like Boys Love and boy if that stuff is absolutely degenerate. Fanservice for straight males is a drop compared to fanservice for females. We just want attractive girls, i won't even describe the obscenties that they like.

Sorry for the rant. I don't even know if it makes sense, its just that it really annoys me when people sit through something not catered to them and go "you know, this series would be really nice if it was catered to me". I don't know why they do it. If its not for you don't watch it. Simple as that. Imagine the screeching if read a whole Boys Love and then went "you know, l liked the plot and the story but you know what would be even better? Remove the gayness, make it straight and then its perfect".