Politician Traitors Helping Foreigners Finish Us

I am no conspiracy theorist (... ok, I am, but very justifiably), but I am mad as hell for what politicians and their friends are helping foreigners do so much damage to this country and its people. If you aren't mad about something today, I came across this news that mathematics will no longer be compulsory in school. As in how??? CBC is already doing so much damage to the future of this country that I am not sure we can recover in a single generation.
Developing economies rely heavily on STEM (science, technology, engineering, mathematics) professionals, and at the core of is mathematics. We have already watered down science subjects, rarely teach history that is our own or true, and engineering is just a facade. If you think I am lying just ask any qualified engineer whether the engineers board of Kenya is functional and forward-looking organization or a board of old grey-haired gatekeepers minting money from membership fees and kickbacks.
Our kids fundamentally need math knowledge, regardless of where they end up in the future. No wonder we can’t even build a simple airport terminal we have to rely on some corrupt Indian company. Fck these traitorous wankers I am so mad