James The Sipper (Short Story)
The concept of this story, was about an unidentified man around age 30, who was helping five women struggling financially to make amends meet in London's (Ontario not England) East End.
In 1888, an infamous serial killer named "Jack The Ripper" was active in London England's East End, claiming the lives of at least five women, to whom we're all living in extreme poverty at the time.
Then in 2024, 136 years later, a famous serial helper was active in London Ontario's East End, giving $10,000 each to five women.
Jessica West, Jackie East, Jackie Central, Sarah South and Nathalie North, were all targeted to be given large amounts of money with just one exception. He wished his dick to be sucked, because it "sure as shit wasn't going to suck itself!".
Upon receiving oral sexual stimulation from all five women, James The Sipper gave them $10,000 each, and sipped on red wine with them, then they'd sip on his cock.
After The Sippers efforts, the women where then able to use the money, for the better benefit of their families and well-being, and we're all able to afford their expenses for many months to come.
The five women combined their money to open their own coffee shop named "Five Girls", once the business made sufficient money, the women returned $50,000 to the sipper, who then invested it into Five Girls so they can expand the restaurant chain.
A lot more then five girls went to Five Girls, more like 5 million girls.
The sippers identity Police kept secret, as they didn't want to spoil his reputation as a prostitute investor.