Thoughts on the Inside Jeopardy Live Event
Went to the live event tonight at Hudson Yards. If they do this again in NYC, I hope they pick a more traditional event space, like a theater. Michael Davies mentioned how quickly this one sold out so perhaps they will be more ambitious. As is, the building was not the easiest to navigate and it was a little annoying how long the lines were and how long it took having to wait for the elevator to become available. The room was very crowded but the view was fantastic.
The big announcement of Amy as the producer's pick seemed to surprise a lot of people, but there was applause. I thought it was interesting how Davies emphasized how many people were involved in the decision, including at Sony and ABC. He specifically mentioned wanting someone who would bring in an audience.
The other announcement, that Kids Week, Teen Tournament, and College Tournament players would regain eligibility, met with more muted applause. Perhaps some perspective contestants started to feel themselves falling even further down the line.
The interview with Matt and Mattea was very basic. Katie Nolan bought more energy and was very funny, and I think Davies is dying to bring her back in some fashion. Ken's interview was the longest and he also gave some nice answers to audience questions.
The event ended on a sour note for me, at least. The promised Jeopardy game with Ken was conducted online via a new interactive site. The producers seem not to have considered how difficult it would be for 230 people trying to scan a few QR codes, or how the Wi-Fi in a small room would handle that much capacity. I got into the game at first, unlike many who never did, but then I was kicked out before any questions were asked and could not get back in despite many attempts. I was very frustrated because I think I would have done quite well in the competition, though I suppose I will never know.
I didn't go to the VIP event, so I'll have to leave that to others. Same goes for the after party, obviously.