What do you think the Jeopardy Invitational will be like? Who do you want to see back? + Misc masters thoughts
I'm almost more excited about this than the next season of Masters 👀 I haven't been listening to the podcast, so very possible I've missed some information!
I'm thinking it's format might be like the Teen Reunion? 27 players and it's 3 rounds with no Wildcards. I could also see them using the latest TOC format, with the 3 players relegated from Masters (in this case, Andrew/Amy/Sam) having byes to round 2. Hopefully whichever format they choose we get that great Ft3 finals!
I think Brad will almost certainly be given the last Masters spot (the Producers' pick), unless he declines for some reason or another. If he does I'd predict Sam K/Chris or Ray depending on who wins the ToC getting the spot.
If they decide to expand the Masters roster to 9, I'm hoping to see a roster of James/Mattea/Matt/Brad/Sam K/ToC winner/Invitational finalists. I wouldn't mind seeing a standardized Masters Top 3/ToC Top 3/Invitational Top 3 going forward either.
I'd really like to see some classic names like Jerome/Frank/Chuck back! I think it'd be great if we could see Bruce Seymour back again too, considering he won the first ever "super tournament" in Super Jeopardy! I think it'd be great to have all the 10+ game champs back and the recent ToC finalists (Jennifer, Veronica, Emma, Francois, Buzzy, Austin, Alan). Not to mention players like Larissa, Pam, Alex, Colby, Ben, Roger, etc. There's so many good choices lol, it's hard to image narrowing it down to just 18/24!