Episode Idea: Cringe Worthy Moments That Haunt You at Night
I think I’ve heard a version of this on the radio before, but here’s the idea—viewers message in and share their most painfully awkward moments. You know, the ones that randomly pop into your head right before you fall asleep and make you physically cringe. I’m sure Alfie knows exactly what I’m talking about. The boys then tell us if we should stop thinking about it and just go to sleep or we deserve to be haunted by it.
For example—Last year I was driving and stopped at a zebra crossing to let an old man cross. But as he made his way across, the car coming from the opposite direction didn’t stop. So, I beeped at them. The old man, however, thought I had beeped at him for being too slow. He raised a hand and mouthed, "Sorry," and to this day, I think about it way too often.
Or the time Jack told the sandwich guy his name when placing an order, and when he came back to pick it up, the guy called out, “Jack!” Instead of just grabbing his food like a normal person, Jack asked if he was a fan of the pod—because, you know, he recognized his name. I really hope this still haunts you, Jack.
I hope some of you know what I'm on about, If not I'll probably have to go and see a psychiatrist
Viva La Happy Hour xxxx