I never saw a game so afraid of the player actually playing it like Final Fantasy 16
So i have been playing FF 16 now that it released on pc and is on sale and my opinions on the game have been mixed so far.
I am roughly 10h into the game and so far the story seems intriguing and the visuals are good, but godamn even calling this game a RPG is a strech.
First the game introduces you to two difficulties, one for story and other for action. I picked the action option but the game still gave me those weird rings that make the game play by itself. It's optional so i just choose to ignore it.
Still, combat is a chore for the most part. Enemies seem very spongy for how little challenge they present. Every fight pretty much played the same until now. Spam attack with magic at the end and ocasionally dodge. Even bosses that are somewhat harder feel like a cakewalk. I never used a potion in combat.
Then we have those eikon fights. I feel like they drag for so long and they are so boring to play. I get what they were aiming for, they wanted highly cinematic spectacle fights, but overall it feels even more button mashy than the regular gameplay and 10 times less fun.
Also big fights having quick time events in cooler moments is such a break in the pace.
The skill tree and gearing is also a joke so far, together with exploration. Gear feels so weak and "exploring" often rewards just materials or potions. Also this game idea of exploring is like going 10m to the side and killing a monster you already killed 50 times.
There is also a unhealthy amount of cutscenes. This combined with the simplification of most systems, like barely existent skill tree, stats auto increasing after level up and a lot of tutorials and explanations popping on the screen make it feel like the game is afraid that you are having to use your brain to play it. I think i never had this feeling while playing a game before.
Does it get better? I am curious to see other people experiences with this game.