Why was Mahmoud Khalil STILL Living in Campus Housing?!

Mahmoud Khalil "graduated" in December 2024 and based on everything I have seen he is not alleged to be a currently registered student, in fact he himself states that he enters Columbia as an alum, not a current student.

I use quotation marks around the word "graduated" because he did not meet ordinary standards for completion of a masters degree, including attendance, course work, exams, etc.

Still, by his own admission he graduated in December 2024.

SO WHY was he still living in Columbia housing several months later in March 2025?!

When I first raised this fairly obvious question, the response I received is that his wife was a registered student.

At that point the only information available was that 1) she is an Amcit and 2) she is 8 months pregnant.

Now his wife has given a friendly interview to Reuters, wherein she is described as a 28 YO Dentist.

She is NOT described as a student.

Here is the link: https://www.reuters.com/world/us/wife-arrested-columbia-student-says-she-was-naive-believe-he-was-secure-2025-03-12/

So I repeat my question: why was a non-student living in Columbia housing?!

And why was he - again a non-student - in a position to make high level demands for protection from Columbia Security?!

Why was he being treated like the Crown Prince of Columbia?!

AND WHO is paying his way – Qatar? Iran?

This is not normal.

There is something we are not being told about his privileged status.