We need to talk about this...
It is a well known fact that Pakistani communities are filled with as you call them "desperate men" and it is the truth but have we ever sat down and thought about what's causing this desperation instead of declaring the whole gender creep and desperate? No.
There is a loneliness endemic among Pakistani men and no one cares because a man's need is seen as animalistic and dehumanized in our society. These men waste all their youth getting out of poverty and getting independent because without financial independence they can't get a woman as our society has declared. They go through the most defining part of their lives where they should be growing with a woman, chasing a dream of one, which honestly in this economy he can hardly ever get. We provide no outlet for these men to interact with the opposite gender and then we complain that they make every place a dating app. A woman is a man's need and we need to accept this and we should not dehumanize a man for desiring one.
As men we are expected to be the approachers and that's exactly what they do but then they get called out for it. You can't make a hybrid society either make it completely conservative or completely liberal. I can empathize with the women for being overwhelmed with the amount of attention they get but please don't blame all men for it, the problem is that no one sees a problem in our society whether it's a man's problem or a woman's
When you make something so basic, so hard to get and make it the sole purpose of their lives, people are going to obesess over it. It is in a man's nature to chase a partner that's why you only see men being "desperate" and not women.
I would appreciate healthy discussion instead of condescending remarks.