I despise thewizardliz now & here are the reasons :
She is a pathological liar who keeps changing her stories very conveniently.
She does exactly the opposite of what she preaches, so she's a hypocrite.
She never really tells what her story is and how she actually reached where she reached, she only keeps talking about her manifestation crap every single time.
Her videos are going downhill because she keeps repeating the same things again & again.
If you observe her advice closely, you'll see she says things that many other creators have already said.
I don't think her husband is a good man, he gives very stalker vibes (the way he stalked liz for years and "coincidentally" met her at the airport). Also it's wierd how quickly she met him and married him after her breakup.
She looks really pathetic with all the alterations she's doing to her face. She looks different every 6 months.
She's a narcissist who thinks she's the prettiest woman in the world, everyone is obsessed with her. She called herself "seductive" like really girl? Also she talks about herself in the third person which is so cocky & wierd.
She constantly yells in her videos these days which is so triggering for so many people.
She's super masculine herself and gives lectures on being feminine. Anyone who thinks she's feminine hasn't seen a feminine woman for real.
Her fans are even more pathetic & jobless. As soon as you put even a positive critisism under her video, they come at you saying that you're a hater? Like seriously you think your goddess liz can never ever be wrong? It's like she's has a cult of all these crazy people who'll leave everything to come defend her in the comments.
She is a pathological liar who keeps changing her stories very conveniently.
She does exactly the opposite of what she preaches, so she's a hypocrite.
She never really tells what her story is and how she actually reached where she reached, she only keeps talking about her manifestation crap every single time.
Her videos are going downhill because she keeps repeating the same things again & again.
If you observe her advice closely, you'll see she says things that many other creators have already said.
I don't think her husband is a good man, he gives very stalker vibes (the way he stalked liz for years and "coincidentally" met her at the airport). Also it's wierd how quickly she met him and married him after her breakup.
She looks really pathetic with all the alterations she's doing to her face. She looks different every 6 months.
She's a narcissist who thinks she's the prettiest woman in the world, everyone is obsessed with her. She called herself "seductive" like really girl? Also she talks about herself in the third person which is so cocky & wierd.
She constantly yells in her videos these days which is so triggering for so many people.
She's super masculine herself and gives lectures on being feminine. Anyone who thinks she's feminine hasn't seen a feminine woman for real.
Her fans are even more pathetic & jobless. As soon as you put even a positive critisism under her video, they come at you saying that you're a hater? Like seriously you think your goddess liz can never ever be wrong? It's like she's has a cult of all these crazy people who'll leave everything to come defend her in the comments.