my uncle is a touchy guy and it makes me uncomfortable

I am 18f and my dad's best friend (my uncle) is a very touchy person. I don't think he means anything weird by it cuz he is like that with everyone but still he hugs me everytime he comes and kisses my cheek (and that's like normal even though I didn't like it). The actual weird part for me was how he walks in my room without any knock or anything. Yesterday I was sitting on my study table and comes up hugs me from behind kisses me on my neck. My neck is a pretty sensitive place and i absolutely don't let ANYONE touch it let alone kiss it. For another instance a year ago he barged into my room when I was sleeping and put his head on my lap. I know he is like that with everyone and I'm prolly overreacting but I just wanted to get it off my chest.

EDIT- I can't really tell my parents about it cuz I had once kinda told my mom that I hate when he just barges and starts doing "mera beta" and hugging me and all and she said that's how it is, he is like that with everyone. So yah they kinda know about it

Edit 2- seeing other comments reminded me of one more incident, maybe a year or two ago he walked into my room when I was asleep (I woke up cause of the sound) and he kissed my cheeks as a "greeting" mind u I was still laying on the bed

Edit 3- to the people saying I'm enabling him or questioning me why I didn't deny it when he kissed my neck please fuck off do u seriously think I would go against a grown ass man who my parents think is a perfect angel? Best case scenario they are gonna say I'm overreacting, and that's the best case scenario. So sybau ts pmo gng🕊️🥀