Cert/Career Advice For Someone Who BSed My IT Degree…

Hello all, I am a 26 year old who a few years ago got my bachelors in IT though all my core classes were online due to Covid, I was immature to be honest and I BSed my way through most of it and retained almost nothing. I’ve bounced around from a couple non IT entry level jobs but have decided I want to get my shit together and start a real career with skills to market to make a good salary so am looking to pursue IT.

I’m a bit conflicted where to start, I’ve looked over a lot of the Comptia A+ material and I honestly don’t know the majority of the info besides the VERY basic stuff and I think the info in the course would benefit me. Though with my degree maybe I would be smart to skip the A+ test and just review the material and then truly study for and take the net+ or sec+ or CCNA or something? What entry level certs are the most marketable right now? I will start to apply for helpdesk roles to secure first but curious what the next type of jobs after helpdesk I would look out for? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.