Is anyone else relatively symptom free besides bendy joints and easily sprained/strained muscles?

Hey all, back in 2022 I experienced a sprain in my Achilles tendon which set off an explosion of other sprains / strains in other parts of my body as I tried to overcompensate for the injury. Long story short, I was couch ridden for a couple of months and my Dr. thought I had rheumatoid due to the nature of my various joint pains.

Fast forward to today, I MOSTLY got over those series of injuries (I still have some residual back pain from it). But I noticed ever since that happened that I just randomly will strain my knee, or elbow, other shoulders... I was feeling pretty good and then last week I stepped off my back stairs weirdly and sprained my left knee.. This cause me to limp and STRAIN MY RIGHT KNEE.... On top of that, I adjusted myself weird in bed the other night, and pulled something in my upper-back.

Well, I'm not sure what the point of this post it. I guess it just really sucks to finally be feeling baseline, and then a serious of innocuous movements will put me back in a world of hurt.. On top of that, it always seems like my basic sprains or strains will leave me with long term chronic pain.. My knees were 100% fine and now I'm staring down the prospects of dealing with knee pain for the unforeseeable future (don't get me started on my back injury either).

Other people I talk to will mention pulling something the week before and then just shrugging it off. Whenever I pull something, it's like I'm staring down a life altering injury that I have to deal with. I guess I'm just posting here to maybe get some support of words of encouragement over this recent bout of injury I'm dealing with. I hope I can nurse everything properly and get back to baseline for the summer.