*poll* How did you feel about Chase killing Dibala?
I feel like so many people agree with House “ruining” Chase. I agree no doubt House had many flaws, but influencing deep thinking wasn’t one of them. Outside of morals, outside of placed social expectations and context, how is taking action to make sure someone dies who otherwise might’ve lived “playing God” any more than taking action to keep someone alive who otherwise might’ve died? Btw “completely justified” doesn’t mean “la-di-da, let’s go kill anyone and everyone I have a problem with, no big deal”. Not sure if “completely abhorrent” means “it’s wrong to kill anyone, anywhere, any time, no matter what,” but you can explain anything in the comments if you want. Just curious, because I feel alone in not seeing a problem with it. I am a very caring and empathetic person generally speaking (especially with animal rights and the environment) but also have strong opinions on grey areas. It’s not about empathy; it’s about instinct and self+species preservation. Human instincts are not particularly different than any other animal’s, and social rules being made in opposition don’t automatically make all instincts wrong.