Am I the only one to find Huohuo's Ult... weird?

Now, I am relatively new to the game so there is something I missed about Huohuo's lore. I also think she serves perfectly fine as an Abundance character.

It's just that... The ult animation feels very unfitting compared to what it actually does. It suggests that, Mr Tail possesses a scaredy Huohuo and uses her body as a mean to be braver and more powerful, so it seems like it is a self-enhancement. Even her trailer suggests so, with Mr Tail performing domain expansion exorcism. In reality, it's a support move that buffs all allies but herself.

I know that the game is has some questionable animations like, Natasha's Ult (but I guess gifting children's gift is more believable) , but Huohuo's Ult to me feels really misleading