First Time Herpes, from who?
Hello I went to the gyno today, turns out the immense pain I've felt down there the past few days is Herpes. Now I've been with my new partner for the last four months and he doesn't have and has never had any symptoms. Could it be that he is a carrier and gave it to me even tho he doesn't "really" have it. Or is there a possibility I got it let's say last summer from another guy and it has just broken out now? My bf is going to get a blood test to see if he has antibodies against it which would mean he's a carrier. I'm honestly scared if it turns out negative that means I got it a long time ago and just didn't know? I just find the timing of this very odd, but I'm also new to Herpes. If someone could answer my questions that would be great. Additional tips very welcome aswell.