Reminder: There was 128 Days between the EoF and OoT Updates. It has been 98 Days since the OoT Update came out last year. Don't let update impatience lead to sudden unfair critiques of the game and the devs

Something I've noticed that the Helldivers 2 community does is become incredibly bitter and ungrateful whenever there isn't a major content update, despite the fact that Arrowhead has always gone out of their way to make improvements to the game and were even upfront about a lot of their plans moving forward for things. This isn't even new or surprising behavior since this community has complained since the jump about every aspect of this game.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying the community is utterly horrible and needs to be held in contempt. Some of the complaining has led to better things. But a lot of it has been completely unnecessary and does nothing more, but make the HD fanbase seem overly whiny, aggressive, needy, and entitled.

Just think about it. HD2 came out in February 2024. Escalation of Freedom released in August 2024, about five or six months later. Omens of Tyranny was then released more than three months after that in December 2024. Our next update is most likely going to be announced this month (towards the end of it) and be released sometime in April to coincide with summer break. And considering the number of things that have been added so far, what the community has been complaining about, and the content pipeline of Helldivers 1, we can assume that it's most likely: * A New Difficulty * Illuminate Enemy Expansion/Overhaul * New Automaton and Terminid Enemies * City Maps for Bots & Bugs * New Missions * New Vehicles * New Narrative (possibly new planets and biomes) * New Warbonds (which means new weapons, armors, and new passives) * 1 to 2 New Features like ship modules, character customization, etc.

That's a lot of stuff to code, sculpt, mold, rig, model, texture, voice, and whatnot. It's going to take months to do correctly and they still have to test this stuff out (I will admit it would be nice to have a PTS, but at the same time, imagine how more infuriating this community would be if every update someone rooted through the PTS files and posted possible future content! Oh boy!) before releasing it.

Just wait, guys, and gals. Arrowhead isn't sitting around on their fashionable butts tweedling their thumbs, they're actively working on the game. Quit the negativity. Take a break. Play something new or watch something fun. No one is going to judge you for abandoning the game until future content drops. And trust me it's going to drop.

Just not today.

P.S Be more positive! Challenge yourself to look forward to things and speculate what new things we'll get. You'll actively make yourself upset just pointing out the flaws in the game while waiting between content drops. And content drops shouldn't really be the main pull to playing the game.