Sub factions need something actually different.
Ever since they introduced the Jet Brigade, the idea of sub factions went from something interesting, to something kinda disappointing, to even more disappointing because of the recent sub faction.
Jet Brigade:
Inclusively a higher and more specified spawn rate of Jet Troopers. The only difference they brought to the table was a black shader and the abundance of chaining a bunch of jet troopers. Plus they were insanely easy to deal with because of the jetpack requiring a sneeze of damage.
After they came back once or twice. There was nothing new, and if anything, the bots had their own stat stick while we had our own(referring to the DSS). Honestly just disappointing of a sub faction.
Predator Strain:
So, definitely a few extra things but really were just more like the Jet Brigade. The only real difference the Predator Strain brought, were more low hanging spore clouds, and probably the most annoying pair of mobs that, funny enough, had to be disabled a day and a quarter later because of excessive disconnects and crashes. Mostly crashes.
Predator Hunters and Predator Stalkers(oh the misfortune of naming) brought to the table as 2 of the most annoying mobs in the game, switching or turn off certain abilities they had, and the devs thinking it's OK to have a bug spray you with puke and quite literally, nearly dying from it. Got told "Skill Issue" a few times for criticizing it. lol
Then the next day, we got to fight the Spore bug versions of already existing bugs, which to me, just feels like I unwilling activated a weird skull from Halo while the first two variants were turned off. And honestly, the Spore bugs had 2 things for them.
- Spitters and Acid Warriors are pretty much spore bugs, where as spore scavengers can't spit, but both still blow up, plus the spore cloud on death.
- The Spore Hunter is the only variant of hunter to be the Acid Hunter, but plus the spores since spore bugs.
Another thing about the Spore Bugs is that they also have the same issue as the Jet Brigade's Jet Troopers. Where in death, leads to chaining kills. Making them easier to handle when grouped up and taken down with a chain reaction.
So effectively the Predator Strain brought both the most annoying bugs, and made them even more annoying, while also bringing the Jet Brigade problem to them simultaneously.
I'mma be real. When the sub factions start churning out, I thought there'd be like an actual new mob. Something that actually stands out from the rest, and brings it's own unique set of problems in a mission for us to deal with. But instead, we're given the same mobs with 50 shades of Not that Different, and a good amount of people say it's content. Which just baffles me.
W/e I guess.
Arrowhead. I know it's already too late to probably do something about these "new" mobs, and ya'll might not want to completely overhaul them at this point in time, but can we seriously get an actual new mob that is genuinely specific to the sub faction, whenever it's available to fight against?
A Spine Throwing Monster honestly sounds more unique than a Hunter who can now invis and shotguns a gallon of bile in your face.
An Evasive Jet Sniper sounds more unique than just having a bajillion jet troopers try to bum rush you while dropping like hot cakes with a simple laser to the jetpack.
Anything that actually makes me need to go through trial and error to figure out it's angle, instead of figuring out that the so called "new mobs" are just an even more of a pain in the ass than before. I'd rather have them saved up for when and if I were to go on a difficulty higher than Super Helldive, or something.