What do you guys think about W.A.S.P. Launcher?
The Wasp is a niche weapon and one of the most underrated and underused. Its job is to destroy medium troops, doing so with excellence, killing most with 1 or 2 shots. However, against other types of troops the Wasp does not do so well, it cannot even lock on to light troops, while on heavy troops it takes many shots for them to die (I will not even consider the artillery mode, because it is practically useless). Basically the Wasp is the most niche weapon in the game, because it can only do well with a specific group of enemies, while other support weapons can at least kill 2 different groups of enemies with excellence. My suggestion would be to improve the lock-on system, to focus on the enemies' weak points (harvester joints, Hulk's eyes, Titan heads) since the burst mode has great damage by default, and to greatly buff the damage and penetration of the artillery mode. To prove my point, originally in Killzone, the Wasp is a weapon dedicated to destroying vehicles and enemies with heavy armor; However, unfortunately in Helldivers, this weapon can barely consistently kill heavy enemies with two magazines (I won't even mention that in Killzone the Wasp doesn't need a backpack and also doesn't need stationary reloading). I'm pretty bummed about this, it's one of the weapons with the best gameplay in my opinion, if it were improved it would easily be my favorite support weapon.
The Wasp is a niche weapon and one of the most underrated and underused. Its job is to destroy medium troops, doing so with excellence, killing most with 1 or 2 shots. However, against other types of troops the Wasp does not do so well, it cannot even lock on to light troops, while on heavy troops it takes many shots for them to die (I will not even consider the artillery mode, because it is practically useless). Basically the Wasp is the most niche weapon in the game, because it can only do well with a specific group of enemies, while other support weapons can at least kill 2 different groups of enemies with excellence. My suggestion would be to improve the lock-on system, to focus on the enemies' weak points (harvester joints, Hulk's eyes, Titan heads) since the burst mode has great damage by default, and to greatly buff the damage and penetration of the artillery mode. To prove my point, originally in Killzone, the Wasp is a weapon dedicated to destroying vehicles and enemies with heavy armor; However, unfortunately in Helldivers, this weapon can barely consistently kill heavy enemies with two magazines (I won't even mention that in Killzone the Wasp doesn't need a backpack and also doesn't need stationary reloading). I'm pretty bummed about this, it's one of the weapons with the best gameplay in my opinion, if it were improved it would easily be my favorite support weapon.