Imma keep it real, I don’t want a Titanfall crossover

I love both helldivers and titanfall to bits and have hundreds of hours in both, but I really don’t like the idea of a collab. Don’t get me wrong, helldivers has great gameplay, but the main thing by far for me is its identity, the music, the voice acting, the whole FOR DEMOCRACY vibe, you get me. We are expandable bags of meat for a greater cause, we can’t just run around in futuristic armour of guys that can wall run and do 360 no scopes with kraber across the map while doing so. Seeing a pilot in my game would just ruin a bit of my immersion and remove some of the magic this game has. But maybe that’s just me. Let me know what you think about the potential collab, I just can’t believe that I’m the only person that doesn’t want it.