This sub has spent the last days complaining about the wrong stuff (as usual)
If you have checked this sub during the last couple of days you may have noticed that a weapon was nerfed and people are not happy.
I don't know if the flamethrower nerf was intentional and they kept it hidden or if it was just a mistake that AH will have to fix in the future, both are possible both are annoying but the problem is that people keep complaining about the symptom and not the actual issue (with one important exception that was overshadowed by too many copy paste posts).
Before getting to the point ask yourself this: why is it always the bug divers that are complaining?
Are they needy? are they silly? are bot divers too stoic?
Nope, it's because this issue is faction specific and it doesn't have to do with the way AH balance their weapons (not completely at least) but it's about the way they balance their enemies.
Once you get over the missiles it's easy to notice that bot are better designed compared to the terminids, the fact that they are able to shoot back allowed the developers to "remove power" from other aspect of their kits while keeping them threatening and mostly balanced.
This is why almost every single automaton in the game has a weak spot (with the new tank being an odd exception) which allows form more weapons to be used which means that if a gun is changed the players can adapt while waiting for a fix (like it happened with the shield).
Bugs are mostly unable to shoot back which means that the only way to balance them is numbers, speed and tankiness with very little creativity used beyond those 3.
With the exception of the stalker and the new charger (which i argue are the best designed bugs currently) every single terminid is either really fast, really tanky or really swarmy.
The charger are the only "cheat" that is very tanky, quite fast (they are slow only when turning while still) and they come in decent numbers on high difficulty.
Now this created the classic "anti charger meta" where every player had to get something to deal with charger and titans but the players were still able to handle this so where the fuck this the issue come from?
The actual problem that broke the terminids as a faction on high difficulties: the behemoth.
This is a charger with all the stats of a charger but it's just harder to kill, not other addition to the game, you just need more boom to kill it.
This is why the flamethrower was actually popular, it was a solution that could kill the normal charger AND the behemoth at the same speed without having to rely to weird jump physic with EAT.
Conclusion: the problem here is not that one weapon was nerfed, the problem is that AH is adding way too many terminids that are just "X but harder to kill" and those by definition require META weapons since on high difficulty those are not special enemies but the new normal.
Buffing 1 or 2 weapons won't solve the problem, it will simply create a new meta, the solution is actually making sure that more terminids have a clear weakpoint so that players will have 4\5 different options to efficiently eliminate special enemies instead of only 1.