The Illuminate is already here

I swear, this isn’t a schizo post. While playing last night on Draupnir finishing the personal order killing Devastators. I was just minding my business heading towards an objective, can’t remember the objective but no enemy was around, wasn’t in combat, and no combat music playin. Just vibin. And out of nowhere I got hit with a vibrant blue laser shot, almost resembling a sniper round, from an angle that would suggest a high angle shot. Wearing heavy armour I got knocked down 60~% hp immediately and very lightly ragdolled just maybe a foot backwards.

After the shot, I looked around, nothing anywhere in sight, opened minimap (I have the nuclear radar upgrade and someone brought the radar extender booster) All the enemies on it were quite far and behind natural walls.

It must have been an Illuminate Sniper just like the first game, and it (the sniper) must’ve teleported out immediately after the shot. I wish I was screen recording at the time or had anything like that set up.

Careful out there Brothers and Sisters of Democracy. The exiled theocratic false holy men may be returning sooner rather than later. Who needs god when you have Lady Liberty after all.

Edit: I can confirm, no team mates we’re nearby, I use a spear so I was most likely just heading fabricator to fabricator blowing em up at a distance while the other three team members were cross map dealing with hard drives. Glad to see some of my fellow Helldivers also reporting weird occurrence’s, I’m glad more people than I read the reports on the Illuminate of old. o7

Edit 2: A lot of fellow liber-tea enjoyers are mentioning meteors, while they may be addled from repeated blunt force trauma from Fenrir III. Draupnir, the planet I stated I was on when the incident occurred, does not have any form of meteor shower taking place.

There was NO REASON for a blue laser to hit me when BOT LASERS ARE RED. My democracy officer has reviewed the footage and confirmed that this is not a schizo post.