Can someone tell me if need hearing aids?

I cant afford consultation unless im absolutely sure I actually need them. I know thats where I would find out but im hoping to find out through here before i spend my last few dollars on getting denied…

-I talk overly loud, no one tells me but i catch myself doing it once inna while. Quickly forget though until i catch myself again.

-I had 3 ear surgeries when I was younger all of them ear infections.

I can hear face to face conversations well. But when theres background noise like a bar I cant. My friends can hear eachother without having to ask to repeat everything like i do.

My coworkers can hear soft spoken customers, i never can.

Nowadays i hear everyone complaining they’re deaf so i feel like its normal. Unless its not. Maybe my coworkers constantly ask their customers to repeat themselves like i do and i dont notice it. Just scared to waste my only money for them to tell me i dont need them. Also, im about to be 26 years old.