I really leaned into the Legacy idea...
Pictured are my literal Hogwarts legacies, Cecily Davies and Felix Lestrange! I'm curious - did anyone else make characters based on existing families/characters? If so, would love to see/hear about them :)
Cecily is a newly minted Ravenclaw, who's just arrived at Hogwarts and is excited to learn and explore. I haven't had a lot of gameplay to develop her personality insofar. She's just bought her wand - eleven and a half inches, supple, cherry and unicorn tail hair.
Felix, having finished his fifth year at Hogwarts, is a bit more of a rebel and a classic Slytherin - an ambitious, accomplished duelist, blasting through the Scottish highlands with a dragon heartstring wand, he metes out justice where it makes sense for him. He's not above making it known when he thinks others are being a little idiotic - rumor has it, he's responsible for the nickname "Puffskein Dunkein." He does love people though - Zenobia will tell anyone who'll listen about the time he daringly rescued her gobstones, and rumor has it, Imelda is pursuing him for next year's house team. Unsurprisingly, owing in no small part to his fanatic family (despite his pureblood status, his lack of childhood magical ability meant that he passed most of his early school days at Eton), he would rather spend the summer with Sebastian in Feldcroft. Together, they make a formidable pair, exploring the countryside, rescuing beasts, and breaking up poacher camps. Felix isn't much for plants (or Hufflepuffs, besides Poppy, for that matter), but loves spending time in the Room of Requirement, brewing potions and tending to a rare and loyal cadre of magical beasts.