Daedalus Hammers can be really frustrating
Hey hey, since this is early access, I suppose it's a good time to share some feedback. I think the weapon aspects and omega attacks allow for a lot of new and unique buildcraft, but I find how the hammer options work quite frustrating.
I understand that they're not rerollable, that's honestly fine and keeps me from picking the same thing every time. However, these upgrades are incredibly strong and many builds rely on them to fully come together and reach their full potency. So, I find it really annoying when I get a hammer and all three options are completely irrelevant (or even harmful - looking at you, torches) to my build. The most recent example happened on a surface run with Artemis daggers. My damage sources are my attacks and I would be fine with any attack-modifying hammer. Instead I got all special options, and a certain winged man's keepsake gave me another special hammer on the Rift. I made it work because that special ended up being pretty good to apply status effects and get some free ranged damage, but the choices felt really disappointing.