Snape’s ultimate revenge
It was the last day before the students would return. Snape was alone in his dungeon, an empty bottle of firewhiskey on his table. This was the year he would finally be introduced to the child of Lilly and that arrogant Potter and if Hagrid’s story was to be believed he looks just like his good for nothing father. Snape just knows the brat will be as arrogant as his father and a real pain in Snape’s ass. His probably as spoiled as they come, with his reputation as the boy-who-lived and what not. Although Hagrid did complain that Petunia’s family had lied about how his parents died, apparently not even informing the boy magic existed. The half-giant had also expressed his concern about how small the boy was compared to normal first years. The rest of the staff had dismissed this as Hagrid being extremely big, so everyone is small compared to him. Snape, on the other hand, found it suspicious as he knew Hagrid guided the first years every year so the man must have some sort of base line for what he thinks a regular hight is for kids of that age. Couple that with Snape’s knowledge about Petunia and how entitled, mean and down right cruel she sometimes acted to things that weren’t normal … “Damn it all to hell.” The potions master mutters. That’s his problem with alcohol, isn’t it? He tries to drink it to get his mind off of the problem, only to think about it in a way he wouldn’t normally do if he was sober. Snape realized that Harry Potter probably had a crappy life until now, but he also knew he couldn’t let go of his hatred for the boys father or his love for the boys mother. It was a complicated situation that he didn’t know how to solve. And that’s when it hit him, a single thought of pure genius that would allow him to solve all those problems at once. (He ignores the voice in the back of his head that sounds suspiciously like Minerva, telling him that it’s a horrible idea.) He would become the boys father figure. It’s clear from Hagrid that the boys uncle isn’t a father figure for him. It would probably make the perfect James Potter turn around in his grave if he knew that his son saw Snivellus as a father figure instead of him and it would allow Snape to honor Lilly’s sacrifice. It was absolutely perfect. Starting the next week, he would show Harry Potter such concern and love that the love-starved boy would automatically start relying on him. Slowly but surely he would worm his way into the brats hart, all as a way to take revenge on James Potter of course. Would he probably need to stop his extremely obvious favoritisme to the slytherins for it to work? Yeah, probably. But that’s a small price to pay if he can one up one of his most hated enemies. ‘This is a foolproof plan.’ Snape thought to himself as he slowly fell asleep.
To say the rest of the school was surprises when Snape not only became a fair teacher that year, but also practically adopted Harry (to the point that by the end of the school year the boy practically begged the potions professor to take him in instead of sending him back to the Dursley’s) would be an understatement. But at least the both of them looked a lot happier than they did before so it’s a win-win for everybody.