Don't support counterfeit or bootleg versions of artist's works. I never gave anyone permission to alter and sell my Corgi Gundam designs. ❌️🚫✋️

The other night I was chatting with some artists on a discord call, and I for whatever reason decided to look up my Corgi Gundam design online. I knew about amazon accounts making counterfeit versions of my art, but this is a whole other level of taking things too far.

I don't know if this person actually made these, or if these are fake images, but they have a listing up on Ebay, which to me suggests that they got serious enough to be on a more legit platform than most. It may be hard to tell if you're not familiar with the original artist, but with how much generative Ai is becoming a bigger issue lately, I wouldn't be surprised if my art hasn't already been scraped and sourced for other people to profit off of. But this, this is blatant theft.

To any and all Gundam fans out there that buy artwork from creators, please look out for counterfeit or bootleg art. Please report it if you see it, and if you know the artist, give them a heads up.

I've been struggling this year, so seeing my work continue to be sold without my permission or me getting compensated hurts. If people really want to use my designs, they can license them from me, or you can instead support the work I do have up already. Again, if it's not being sold by EasterlyArt, or you hear from me about this, I did not give anyone permission to use my art.

I appreciate everyone's support, and help protect artist's works. A lot of us are struggling right now and need all the help we can get.

Thank you! ❤️☮️