Beat small. Ideally tiny tube amp with reverb for a bedroom.

I have a Princeton reverb, deluxe reverb and a mesa as my go to amps. Recently I brought one of my guitars in the bedroom and hung it by the bed and I find I play so much more now that I can relax weekend mornings or nights strumming away. I love it. I first bought a positive grid spark. Fun little amp and I kept it just to have but I miss the tube sound. Then I went to a tone master fender. Sound was good and volume was right but again, still not what I wanted.

What is the smallest low power but high quality tube amp with reverb. Preferably spring out there. I’ve been such a fender guy I really don’t even know what else is out there. I’m considering a champ with a spring reverb pedal but I’d rather just have a great all in one combo and one cord from guitar to amp.

Maybe what I want just doesn’t exist 🤷‍♂️

Price is irrelevant. I really want a great tube sound in a low volume package. Is that even possible?