[Gear] I finally did it. I bought my own American Professional II Stratocaster
When I was a wee lad, my brother’s friend was about to throw away a beat up Squire Bullet Stratocaster. My brother went “hey my little brother might like that” and gave it to me. I learned on that thing. As a young 12 year old, I would look at the guys with American Standards and go “boy those are cool guitars.” I know, I know that you don’t need a full blown American to get a good sound and the Mexicans are great, but as a 12 year old, I wanted to say so badly that I had an American strat like Clapton and Hendrix.
Then I got an SG Special for Christmas 3 years later. Then I got caught up in college and stopped playing a lot. Then I started playing again, then found myself unemployed in Covid with credit card debt and no way to get a new guitar.
At 24 years old, I recently found myself employed, debt free, and treated the 12 year old in me to a new, Olympic white with maple neck American Professional. I’ll post photos when it comes in the mail tomorrow!
Edit: some people think I’m shilling for fender..? I had an SG special for 12 years and it was great and would’ve lasted longer if I took better care of it.
Personal preference- I just wanted a strat...